فضاءات الروضة


فضاء التربية والتعليم

العضو الأكثر فعالية على مستوى الـبلدة
مسجــل منــــذ: 2011-02-27
مجموع النقط: 26.2

Mr. Alaa Gomaa one of El_Roda s sons

Mr. Alaa GomaaOne Of El-Roda s sons
Through this wonderful site, I would like to express my admiration and respect to this site as it has given all citizens of my village to communicate with one another ,exchange opinions and views and at the same time, it is a good chance for us to advirtise our village and tell others all over our beloved Egypt all the needed information in all aspects of life here in El-Roda.Thanks again for all the site designers and we are ready to provide you with all the needed data about us.
Mr Alaa Gomaa
A senior teacher of English
El-Roda Mixed Secondary School




التعليق على الموضوع

| بهاء زغلول | 02/03/11 |
Bravo monsieur Alaa mes felicitations avec mes sentiments votre cousin


=== إضافة تعليق جديد ===

نص التعليق:

انقل محتوى صويرة التحقق في الخانة أسفله:
الصورة غير ظاهرة